Abstract: iTerm, oh-my-zsh, Terminal, Console, Bash, zsh
I installed a new cool terminal, like @KrauseFx has. There are some steps:
When you have installed oh-my-zsh, edit the ./zshrc file with vim (or another editor)
and change the theme to “agnoster”
then, if you open a new terminal you will see question mark symbols, don’t be scared! we’ll fix that in the next steps
- Install Solarized a new terminal colors
Download the latest package, and in iTerm2 preferences, within profiles select the section menu Colors, and import the two Solarized colors for iTerm2.
- Install powerline-shell to get a cool bar paths.
Clone the repository
Copy config.py.dist to config.py and edit it to configure the segments you want. Then run the next command:
Create a symlink to this python script in your home:
Add the following to your .zshrc file:
And now, close and open iTerm2, you will see a new style within your terminal 😁.